Traditional Archery

"Go afield with a good attitude, with respect for the wildlife you hunt and for the forest and fields in which you walk. Immerse yourself in the outdoor experience. It will cleanse your soul and make you a better person." - Fred Bear
(Available at Itasca Archery)

Shooting The Stickbow
The first comprehensive treatise on shooting modern recurves and longbow! Topics include equipment choices, shooting form, tuning, aiming, and physical and mental aspects of becoming a proficient archer

Become The Arrow
Learn about the modern bare bow aiming and shooting system called Become the Arrow developed by Byron Ferguson. Includes material on bowhunting.

Instinctive Archery Insights
It provides unique information for the archer, traditional or compound, that cannot be found anywhere else. Within these pages are principles from applied psychology, communicated with an easy to understand style, that will dramatically improve any archer’s ability.

Beginner's Guide To Traditional Archery
The popularity of traditional archery has exploded in recent years, and this handy, readable guide serves as the perfect introduction for anyone looking to break into the sport.

I Remember Papa Bear
In this one-of-a-kind tribute, generations of hunters, recreational archers and outdoors enthusiasts will discover Fred Bear's pearls of wisdom for hunting, life, and conservation practices. This biographical guide gives readers insight into the evolution of Bear Archery, the organization of countless archery and conservation clubs, and examples of Fred's legendary attitude.
Traditional archery is steadily gaining in popularity. Itasca Archery is your one-stop-shop for traditional archery supplies. Our selection of traditional archery supplies in continually growing. Please click the link below to see a list of traditional products we offer.
Product List
Whether you are a collector, taking the plunge into traditional archery for the first time, or looking to get back into it, here are some bow makers worth checking out.